Site Modifications
0) { $showStart = $theMaxID - $recNo; } else { $recNo = 0; $showStart = $theMaxID; } $showEnd = $showStart - 8; $selectDetailStatement = "SELECT * FROM mod_items WHERE mod_id > $showEnd AND mod_id <= $showStart ORDER BY mod_id DESC"; # $selectDetailStatement = "SELECT * FROM mod_items WHERE mod_id BETWEEN $showEnd AND $showStart"; # $selectDetailStatement = "SELECT * FROM mod_items ORDER BY mod_id DESC"; $selectDetailResult = mysql_query($selectDetailStatement, $GLOBALS[dbh]); # echo "SelectDetailError :".mysql_error(); $i = 0; while(mysql_fetch_row($selectDetailResult)) { $rs = setmysqlresults($selectDetailResult,$i); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $i++; } ?>
Date Time File Description of Changes By
0) { echo "View Previous 8 Entries"; } else { echo ""; } ?> 8) { echo "View Next 8 Entries"; } else { echo ""; } ?>