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Class BInputReader


public class BInputReader
extends Object

This class will allow calls like read() and readLine() on the command line input stream.

Tristan Austin

Constructor Summary
BInputReader(InputStream in)
          Creates a new BInputRead to read from the stream given.
Method Summary
 int read()
          Reads the next character in the input stream and returns it as an int.
 String readLine()
          This will read until it finds a carriage return signfied by a '\n' or the end of the input stream is reached at which point an IOException will be thrown.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BInputReader(InputStream in)
Creates a new BInputRead to read from the stream given.
Method Detail


public String readLine()
                throws IOException
This will read until it finds a carriage return signfied by a '\n' or the end of the input stream is reached at which point an IOException will be thrown.

'\r' characters will be ignored.

The line read
IOException - if the end of the input stream is reached


public int read()
         throws IOException
Reads the next character in the input stream and returns it as an int.
The next character as an int
IOException - when an io error occurs

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