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Interface Summary
BWindowListener Any panels that are added to the Window Manager as windows must implement this interface so that they can be informed of window events.

Class Summary
BFocusManager The focus manager is going to handle the cycling through of windows using control tab (and shift) as well as the default use of cycling through components with normal tab.
BSwingUtilities Because the current version of swing is not thread safe, all methods on swing components need to be called from the awt event thread.
BTabListener This is going to be informed when the user presses the control key in combination with the tab key.
BWindowAdapter This is just a convenience class so that the user of the BWindowListener doesn't have to implement every single method in the BWindowListener.
BWindowBinder This provides a means of plugins to listen to window events on their own steam.
BWindowEvent The window event is sent to the BWindowListeners providing a means of determine what window and what window content the event is associated with.

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