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Class BUserDBCommand


public class BUserDBCommand
extends Object
implements BOnCommand

This will simply allow the user to refresh the users and groups in memory with what is currently in the file.

Tristan Austin

Constructor Summary
BUserDBCommand(BUserDB userDB)
          Creates a new user command object with the given user database to tell what to do
Method Summary
 String getHelp(BStringList paramaters)
          This method is called by the command line when the user types "help userdbreload"
 int onCommand(BStringList params, InputStream in, PrintStream out)
          When the user types the command associated with this on command class, this method will be called.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BUserDBCommand(BUserDB userDB)
Creates a new user command object with the given user database to tell what to do
userDB - The database to talk to
Method Detail


public String getHelp(BStringList paramaters)
This method is called by the command line when the user types "help userdbreload"
Specified by:
getHelp in interface BOnCommand
paramaters - The paramaters to the help command


public int onCommand(BStringList params,
                     InputStream in,
                     PrintStream out)
When the user types the command associated with this on command class, this method will be called. It contains a list of the paramaters the user presented as well as the input and output streams to workw with.
Specified by:
onCommand in interface BOnCommand
params - The parmaters given with the command
in - The input stream to read from if required
out - The output stream to write to
An integer in the range Integer'range

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