Class Summary |
BAddGroupCE |
Allows the caller to pass in a new BGroup object
to be added to the groups database. |
BAddUserCE |
This is the event which is passed around
when the user manager gets the event, it will create a
vector containing the users
it then calls the completion object which can do what it
wants with the data. |
BAdminCE |
Any events which extend this will require the
user responsible for the event to have administrator
access in order to be executed. |
BAuthUserCE |
BChangePasswordCE |
This will accept the users new and old passwords
to update the users with and make sure that the old
password matches the stored password before updating
the user. |
BDBUpdateCE |
Whenever the user database refreshes the database
from the disk at the users behest, this event
is created and broadcast. |
BGetGroupsCE |
This is similar to BGetUsersCE but, as the name suggets,
it will retrieve the list of available groups in the
database. |
BGetUsersCE |
BGroupUpdatedCE |
When a group is updated in a manner that
other plugins may be interested, this event is fired. |
BOwnerCE |
Any events which extend this will require the
user responsible for the event to have administrator
access in order to be executed. |
BRemoveGroupCE |
This provides the same services as the BRemoveGroupCE however
it removes the group from the database. |
BRemoveUserCE |
This provides the same services as the BAddUserCE however
it removes the user from the database rather than
adding it as a new one. |
BUpdateGroupCE |
This provides the same services as the BAddUserCE however
it simply updates the user in the database rather than
adding it as a new one. |
BUpdateNotificationCE |
When a user or group is updated in a manner that
other plugins may be interested, this event is fired. |
BUpdatePrivilegedCE |
This is the super class for all events doing anything at
all with any kind of privileged item. |
BUpdateUserCE |
This provides the same services as the BAddUserCE however
it simply updates the user in the database rather than
adding it as a new one. |
This provides a base class for all events destined
for the user database. |
BUserUpdatedCE |
When a user is updated in a manner that
other plugins may be interested, this event is fired. |
This package is yet to get a description.