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Class BAddMenuItemCE


public class BAddMenuItemCE
extends BRemoveMenuItemCE

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static String kAdminMenu
          Adds items to a menu called Admin
static String kEditMenu
          Adds items to a menu called Edit
static String kFileMenu
          Adds items to a menu called File
static String kMessagingMenu
          Adds items to a menu called Messaging
static String kModellerMenu
          Adds items to a menu called Modeller
static String kProjectMenu
          Adds items to a menu called Project
static String kWindowMenu
          Adds items to a menu called Window
Fields inherited from class
connectionID, index, kBroadcast, kClient, kClientDone, kLocal, kServer, kServerDone, networkStatus, serialVersionUID
Fields inherited from class java.util.EventObject
Constructor Summary
BAddMenuItemCE(Object source, JMenuItem fMenuItem, Object itemName, Object fMenu)
          Creates a new add menu item event with the source, the locale sensitive name of the menu it is to go in and the locale sensitive name of the menu item.
BAddMenuItemCE(Object source, Object fMenu)
          Creates a new add menu item event with the source, the locale sensitive name of the menu it is to go in.
Method Summary
 void addSeparator()
          This will put a separator in the menu item in the location relative to calls to addMenuItem.
 int getLocationPolicy()
          This will indicate the location policy for the menu that may be created as a result of adding these menu items.
 BString getPreferredMenuMnemonic()
          This will return the preferred mnemonic for this menu.
 int setLocationPolicy(int locationPolicy)
          This will set the location policy for the menu that may be created as a result of adding these menu items.
 void setPreferredMenuMnemonic(BString preferredMenuMnemonic)
          You can set the mnemonic you prefer for this menu here.
Methods inherited from class
addMenuItem, addMenuItem, getMenuItems, getMenuName, getNameFor
Methods inherited from class
decrementThreadCount, doComplete, doInit, getAutoComplete, getCompletionObject, getCompletionStatus, getConnectionID, getIndex, getNetworkStatus, getPipe, getUndoable, setAutoComplete, setCompletionObject, setCompletionStatus, setConnectionID, setIndex, setNetworkStatus, setPipe, setThreadCount, setUndoable
Methods inherited from class java.util.EventObject
getSource, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static String kFileMenu
Adds items to a menu called File


public static String kEditMenu
Adds items to a menu called Edit


public static String kWindowMenu
Adds items to a menu called Window


public static String kProjectMenu
Adds items to a menu called Project


public static final String kAdminMenu
Adds items to a menu called Admin


public static final String kMessagingMenu
Adds items to a menu called Messaging


public static final String kModellerMenu
Adds items to a menu called Modeller
Constructor Detail


public BAddMenuItemCE(Object source,
                      Object fMenu)
Creates a new add menu item event with the source, the locale sensitive name of the menu it is to go in. It is assumed that you will add menu items individuall through the addMenuItem() method. Not doing so will result in a menu with no items being created.
source - The source of the event
fMenu - The name of the menu to add it to


public BAddMenuItemCE(Object source,
                      JMenuItem fMenuItem,
                      Object itemName,
                      Object fMenu)
Creates a new add menu item event with the source, the locale sensitive name of the menu it is to go in and the locale sensitive name of the menu item.
source - The source of the event
fMenu - The name of the menu to add it to
menuItemName - The name of the menu item itself
Method Detail


public int setLocationPolicy(int locationPolicy)
This will set the location policy for the menu that may be created as a result of adding these menu items.
locationPolicy - The menu location policy


public int getLocationPolicy()
This will indicate the location policy for the menu that may be created as a result of adding these menu items.
The menu location policy


public void setPreferredMenuMnemonic(BString preferredMenuMnemonic)
You can set the mnemonic you prefer for this menu here. It should be noted that if another menu already has the mnemonic specified it will be changed to the next available mnemonic.
preferredMnemonic - The preferred mnemonic for this menu


public BString getPreferredMenuMnemonic()
This will return the preferred mnemonic for this menu.
The preferred mnemonic


public void addSeparator()
This will put a separator in the menu item in the location relative to calls to addMenuItem.

eg. event.addMenuItem(blah1, nameBlah);
event.addMenuItem(blah2, nameBlah);
event.addMenuItem(blah3, nameBlah);
event.addMenuItem(blah4, nameBlah);

Will result in a separator in the menu between menu item blah3 and blah4

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