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Window Manager Events.


Class Summary
BAddMenuCE Add menu allows you to add an entire JMenu of components to the menu bar.
BAddPanelCE This event will allow other plugins to add panels to the interface without having to use windows
BAddStatusCE Use this event when you wish to add a panel to the status bar.
BAddToolBarCE Allows the source to add a tool bar to the main frame of the window manager.
BAddWindowCE This event is passed to the Window Manager with a panel and various properties to add to a Window in the GUI.
BCloseWindowCE This provides means of Please complete these missing tags
BRemoveMenuItemCE When a plugin wishes to remove menu items from a particular menu, this event is reuqired.
BRemovePanelCE By sending this event to the window manager, the panel specified will be removed from the panel on which it resides
BRemoveStatusCE This will take the given panel, locate it on the status bar and remove it.
BRemoveToolBarCE This works in exactly the same way as adding a toolbar but, as the name suggets, removes the tool bar rather than adding it.
BSelectPanelCE This will allow a module to select the given panel on the specified split pane in the BWindowManager
BSelectWindowCE Bys ending this to the window manager, it will select the window containing the given component, de-iconify it if it is minimised and bring it to the front.
BWindowCE All events the BWindowMangager is going to receive must extend this class either directly or indirectly.

Package Description

Window Manager Events.

Package Specification

These events allow you to create and manipulate windows, status panel and dialogs.

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