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Class BItemSorter


public class BItemSorter
extends Object
implements Comparator

This is used to compare two BPrivileged items to determine whether the order they should come in. The way in which they are ordered may be set as either by unique id, or by name.

Tristan Austin

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor creates a Comparator with the sort ids option selected by default.
BItemSorter(boolean compareIDs)
          Creates the Comparator with the compareIDs flag set to the given value.
Method Summary
 int compare(Object item1, Object item2)
          This will compare the two objects on the assumption.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BItemSorter()
Default constructor creates a Comparator with the sort ids option selected by default.


public BItemSorter(boolean compareIDs)
Creates the Comparator with the compareIDs flag set to the given value.
compareIDs - True to compare by ids, false to compare by usernames
Method Detail


public int compare(Object item1,
                   Object item2)
This will compare the two objects on the assumption. If item1 is less than item2 it will return a negative number, if it is the same it will return 0 and if it is greater than the second, it will return a positive number.
Specified by:
compare in interface Comparator
item1 - The first privilege to compare
item2 - The second item to compare the first one to

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