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This package is yet to get a description.


Class Summary
BGroup A group is simply a collection of users with certain privilages.
BItemSorter This is used to compare two BPrivileged items to determine whether the order they should come in.
BPermanentStorage This encapsulates all the file to memory work required by the user database class.
BPrivileged Anything that has privileges extends this class.
BReferentialIntegrity This class handles all the maintenance of the integrity of the cross references between the users and groups
BSecurityManager This handles all security relating to passwords, privileges and owners.
BUser A BUser provides the details of a particular user including their name, their location (ip address etc.) and other details associated with each user.
BUserDB User database.
BUserDBCommand This will simply allow the user to refresh the users and groups in memory with what is currently in the file.

Exception Summary
BInvalidPropertyException This exception should be thrown whenever a value is set in an object that doesn't fall within the required paramaters.

Package Description

This package is yet to get a description.

Package Specification

Someone will fill this in soon.

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