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This package is yet to get a description.


Class Summary
BAddGroupCE Allows the caller to pass in a new BGroup object to be added to the groups database.
BAddUserCE This is the event which is passed around when the user manager gets the event, it will create a vector containing the users it then calls the completion object which can do what it wants with the data.
BAdminCE Any events which extend this will require the user responsible for the event to have administrator access in order to be executed.
BChangePasswordCE This will accept the users new and old passwords to update the users with and make sure that the old password matches the stored password before updating the user.
BDBUpdateCE Whenever the user database refreshes the database from the disk at the users behest, this event is created and broadcast.
BGetGroupsCE This is similar to BGetUsersCE but, as the name suggets, it will retrieve the list of available groups in the database.
BGroupUpdatedCE When a group is updated in a manner that other plugins may be interested, this event is fired.
BOwnerCE Any events which extend this will require the user responsible for the event to have administrator access in order to be executed.
BRemoveGroupCE This provides the same services as the BRemoveGroupCE however it removes the group from the database.
BRemoveUserCE This provides the same services as the BAddUserCE however it removes the user from the database rather than adding it as a new one.
BUpdateGroupCE This provides the same services as the BAddUserCE however it simply updates the user in the database rather than adding it as a new one.
BUpdateNotificationCE When a user or group is updated in a manner that other plugins may be interested, this event is fired.
BUpdatePrivilegedCE This is the super class for all events doing anything at all with any kind of privileged item.
BUpdateUserCE This provides the same services as the BAddUserCE however it simply updates the user in the database rather than adding it as a new one.
BUserDBCE This provides a base class for all events destined for the user database.
BUserUpdatedCE When a user is updated in a manner that other plugins may be interested, this event is fired.

Package Description

This package is yet to get a description.

Package Specification

Someone will fill this in soon.

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