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Table of Contents

1.   Scope

2.   Versions

3.   File Formats

4.   Page Setup

4.1  Templates

5.   Style of Documentation

5.1  Numbering System

5.2  Text Style

5.2.1  Heading Font Styles

5.2.2  Normal Text Font Styles

5.2.3  Text Specifics

5.3  Table Style

5.4  Indentation

5.5  Images

5.6  Date Notation

6.   Headers and Footers

7.   Bullet Points

8.   Document Layout

8.1  Title Area

8.2  Modification History

8.3  Table of Contents

8.4  Appendices

8.5  Quoting

8.6  Footnotes

8.7  References

8.8  Index

Web Document Style Standards

Version 2.14

Edition 1

Document ID: WDSS
Author: Jaycee Phua
Reviewed by: Danny Goulas
Daniel Woodhouse
Matthew Sykes
Last Update: 3 September 1999



Revision History

Date Modifications Reason Version
1999.03.21 Entire contents adjusted (JP) Adapted from es204-dsstd-1.0 document 0.1d
1999.03.23 Document contents formatted (JP) Conformance to Style Specification 0.4d
1999.03.24 Reviewer added to Cover Page (DG) Technical Writer** check 0.7
1999.03.24 Various sections reworded (JP) PG Reviewer suggestions (DG) 0.71
1999.03.26 Reviewer added to Cover Page (MS) Quality Assurance check 0.8
1999.03.27 Various sections reworded (JP) QA Reviewer's suggestions (MS) 0.81
1999.03.28 Word Processor Template implemented and utilised (JP) Follow document specs 0.9
1999.03.29 Content finalised (JP) Preparation for 1st draft submission date 1.0
1999.03.30 Documentation adapted to HTML Formatted for appropriate online submission 1.5d
1999.03.31 Addendum added outlining Web-adaptations (JP) Explain Word Processor-Web adaptation 1.8d
1999.04.12 Entire contents revised (JP) Complete document Web-adapted 2.0d
1999.04.29 Sentence-Spacing added to Text Specifics Section; spacing adjusted Rule addition to DSS 2.01d
1999.04.31 Sections reorganised (JP) Increase readability 2.1d
1999.05.03 Reviewer Added to cover page -- MS, content revised (JP) QA Reviewer's suggestions (MS) 2.1
1999.05.14 Style mistake corrected Conformance to (latest) Style Standards 2.11
1999.05.14 Table of Contents (TOC) & TOC section revised. Assessor's suggestion (Raj) 2.12
1999.08.19 Revised content relating to format/appearance of documents (JP) Style Standards revised to reflect new Web Page Style 2.13
1999.09.03 Cover page style changed (JP) Conformance to style standards 2.14
** As of July 1999, all Technical Writers have formally been combined with Web Engineers to form the Publishing Group.



Table Of Contents

1.   Scope

2.   Versions

3.   File Formats

4.   Page Setup

4.1  Templates

5.   Style of Documentation

5.1  Numbering System

5.2  Text Style

5.2.1  Heading Font Styles

5.2.2  Normal Text Font Styles

5.2.3  Text Specifics

5.3  Table Style

5.4  Indentation

5.5  Images

5.6  Date Notation

6.   Headers and Footers

7.   Bullet Points

8.   Document Layout

8.1  Title Area

8.2  Modification History

8.3  Table of Contents

8.4  Appendices

8.5  Quoting

8.6  Footnotes

8.7  References

8.8  Index




1.   Scope

This document (Edition 1) outlines the style standards that are to be followed concerning all Team Synergy projects.  All documents created for official use with any Team Synergy related project must strictly adhere to this document specification, unless a newer edition of the Web Document Style Standards has been appropriately authorised.

Any sections of this document not understood by any persons affiliated with Team Synergy should approach the appropriate Web Style Standards Coordinator, for further clarification (through appropriate channels).

It is imperative to point out that this documentation makes frequent reference to the Document Content Template, described in greater detail in [Section 4.1]

Note: The main content of this document is intended as a specification for Web-related (HTML) use only.  For a Word Processor-adaptation to this Web Document Style Standards, please consult the Style Standards Coordinator.


2.   Versions

Each document created (or revised) shall always be allocated a version number, indicating level of completion for that document.

The version number is proportional to the level of completion for that document. A document that is in its first final form is labelled version 1.0.  Any document in its draft state should be signified by a "d" following the version number:

eg. 0.41d

When minor updates are made, the second value following the decimal place should be incremented by one.  For major updates, the first value following the decimal place should likewise be incremented by one.  For new versions, the number preceeding the decimal place should be incremented by one, and the values following the decimal place should be reset to zero.

The latest version number for the document should be displayed at the top of each document in the Title Area [See Section 10].


3.   File Formats

Any documentation written by members of Team Synergy, for use in official project documentation should be text based, with clear emphasis on Heading Titles, and other aspects of the text that should be distinguished.  However, the preferred method is HTML format.  Submitting documents/files in this format shall improve processing time.

Any necessary graphical images requiring processing should be in GIF or JPEG format.  Choice on the format is left to the discretion of the writer; however it is standard Team Synergy practice to select the image with the smaller file size.

Note: Selecting the more appropriate image format (and consequently the more compact file size) depends on the complexity and required quality of the final image.

Those Team Synergy members who require assistance in optimally compiling their documents or images should consult a Publishing Group Member.


4.   Page Setup

All official documentation relating to any Team Synergy project should be processed in a format suited for viewing on the World Wide Web.

The Web Browser used to display the document should automatically handle all page setup details.  Consequently it would be irrelevant to cover specific page setup requirements for Team Synergy documentation.

Additionally, since the Web Browser itself automatically interprets and decides the method to which an Web document is displayed, all content is adapted to suit the 'current' viewing context of the document.  For example:

  • Video resolution
  • Colours used
  • Web browser in use
Word-wrapping is one inherent feature that assists in accomplishing this feature.

Note: The only requirement that should apply to documents based on this edition of the Web Document Style Standards is that the background is set to White. Ensure that this requirement is conveyed to the Publishing Group member responsible for posting the document to the World Wide Web.

Page Setup details specific to Word Processors can be referenced from the original Document Style Standards (for Word Processors).

4.1  Templates

In order to minimise the delay when attempting to strictly adhere to the many standards that must be followed for an official Team Synergy document, the styles and settings defined in this document has been made available for remote download via the World Wide Web in an text file consisting of HTML code.

The template consists of samples of formatting styles and is ordered such that it can be used as a starting point for upcoming Team Synergy documents, or as a reference to the procedures and formatting expected of documents containing HTML Source.

The Document Content Template can be obtained from here.


5.   Style of Documentation

Each Team Synergy document should conform to the following requirements stated in this section.  Any queries regarding the application of these requirements should be brought to a Publishing Group Member through appropriate channels.

5.1  Numbering System

A numbering system is necessary in aiding navigation throughout a document, such that if a section or table/diagram is referenced from another part of the document, a reader can easily find the topic according to the numbering allocated to that section or page.  It is also mandatory to include a Table of Contents [See Section 8].

Where numbering is concerned, decimal numbers (ie.  1, 2, 3, 4... ) should be used throughout any official Team Synergy project documentation.  Other numbering methods including Roman numbering (ie.  I, II, III, IV... ) or Alphabetic numbering (ie.  A, B, C, D... ) should not be applied.  Bullets can be applied in place of numbers, but only where suitable [See Section 7].

Note: The only exception to numbering methods in use are for Appendices [See Section 11], which require numbering in Alphabetic form.
eg. Appendix A

Numbering is mandatory for headings, table and figure captions.  Such objects should be numbered with respect to its location within the document, to assist the reader in identifying its relevence to a specific section. 

Multiple levels of numbering can be applied if more than one topic is covered to a section (ie.  if the depth of the section consists of more than one sub-topic).

eg. [Section 1.2.3]

The formatting contained within this document should be used as a prime example of what is expected when numbering is concerned.

5.2  Text Style

To ensure complete adhesion to the Team Synergy Document Style Standard, the main assumption made for the creation and viewing of Team Synergy Documentation is that it should be performed on an Operating System that utilises typefaces based on the TrueType font-set.  For cases where TrueType fonts are unavailable, the required typefaces for Team Synergy documentation can be substituted with equivalent alternatives.

The following table is a list of fonts used in Team Synergy documentation under a TrueType font-enabled Operating System, including the acceptable substitutes that may be used to display and/or output the documentation correctly.

Font Font Type Font Substitutes
Arial San Serif Helvetica, San Serif
Courier New Monospaced Courier, Terminal
Tahoma San Serif Arial, Helvetica, San Serif
Table 5.2 - 1: Fonts and Font Substitutes used in Team Synergy documentation.

It can be assumed that for all other cases, the Arial font (coloured black) should be used.  The default (Web Browser) size for text should be 2 (relative to the HTML font scaling system), as in the following example:

HTML: <font face="Arial" size="2" color="black">

Note: Using the RGB Hexadecimal Code Index, Black is "#000000".

5.2.1  Heading Font Styles

The following table outlines applications within a document where a specific font is used.  For cases not specified in the following table, one should consult the Style Standards Coordinator.

Text Style Font Size Font Style Alignment Example
Document Title Tahoma 6 Bold Left
Document Version Tahoma 4 Bold Center Version X.Xd
Document Edition Arial 2 Regular Center Edition X
Heading Level 1 Arial 5 Regular Left X.   Heading 1
Heading Level 2 Arial 4 Bold, Italic Left X.X  Heading 2
Heading Level 3 Arial 3 Bold Left X.X.X  Heading 3
Heading Level 4 Arial 3 Underline Left Heading 4
Table 5.2.1 - 1: Heading Styles and expected format

Note that there are specific Non-Breaking Space requirements for Level 1 to 3 Headings. Refer to the Non-Breaking Spaces area in Section 5.2.3.

5.2.2  Normal Text Font Styles

In special circumstances, certain methods of emphasis are required.  The following table outlines the situations where different font styles may apply:

Application Font Font Style Example
Normal Emphasis [Default] Italic emphasis
Heavy Emphasis [Default] Underline emphasis
Team Name [Default] Bold Team Synergy
Document Referral [Default] Bold, Italic Document Title
Example Text [Default] Italic
eg. Example Text
Note Box Text [Default] Regular
Note: Note Text
Caution Box Text [Default] Regular
Caution: Caution Text
Computer Text (Output) Courier Bold
C:\> prompt
Language Source (Code) Courier (Green)
Java: system.out.println();
HTML Source (Code) Courier (Blue)
Table 5.2.2 - 1: Formatting requirements for Normal text.

Emphasis can be used in cases where new ideas or objects are being described, by Italicising the text.

When specific words are significant, "Heavy Emphasis" (as opposed to "Normal Emphasis") should be applied by Underlining (ie.  must, not, etc. ).  However, emphasis should be used sparingly; the required emphasis should be achieved by rewording the sentence.

Text designed to describe an idea can be pointed out by using "Example Text".  Example Text should always be italicised.  If text within Examples require emphasis, italics should be inverted (ie.  'Normal' Example Text is Italicised, and 'Emphasised' Example Text is regular).  Normal Emphasis and Heavy Emphasis can also be applied in Example Text (where necessary).

If emphasis of significant portions of text is necessary, a "Note Box" can be introduced.

Note: This entire portion of text could be of significance to the reader; not just a single word.  Emphasising text within examples would appear like this, or this.

Alternatively, a similar principle to the Note Box can be utilised by using a "Caution Box":

Caution: This box should be used only rarely, and obviously only when a portion of text requires the reader's utmost attention.

Labelling schemes (ie.  "Java" or "HTML") for computer-related sections are only necessary when occasional references to the coding language are made throughout a document.  If a specific language is constantly referenced throughout a document, labelling can be ignored, as long as the coding language being discussed has been outlined in the Document Scope. This should also mention how the coding language can be distinguished from normal document text (ie. it is monospaced, and is a certain colour).

5.2.3  Text Specifics

Non-Breaking Spaces

HTML: &nbsp;

If the writer or reviewer finds that a collection of words must remain together no matter what, one can use a Non-Breaking Space in place of a Conventional Space.  Use of Non-Breaking Spaces may arise when the wrapping of words to the next line are to be prevented.

It is up to the document writer to decide whether it is necessary to utilise this spacing method.  In most cases, however, it is plainly obvious when Non-Breaking Spaces should be implemented.

Specific instances where Non-Breaking Spaces should be implemented in Team Synergy documentation include:

  • Inside Section Reference Brackets ("[", "]")
  • Team Name usage
  • Headings (Level 1 - 3)
  • Spacing between Sentences [See below]
It must be said once again, that to best understand the context of these requirements, the reader should refer to the actual HTML code which forms this and other Team Synergy documents.

  • [Section&nbsp;X.X]
  • Team&nbsp;Synergy
  • X.&nbsp&nbsp; Heading Level 1
    &nbsp; Heading Level 2
    &nbsp; Heading Level 3

Spacing between Sections

Paragraph text should be separated with a line; starting each paragraph with indents are neither condoned nor are they necessary in 'modern times'.  Readers should take this document as an example of what is expected for paragraph style and the HTML code of which it is composed of, to understand the requirements of the Web Document Style Standards.

So long as the Document Content Template is correctly and sensibly utilised, the writer compiling the document in HTML format will not require learning the specifics of when spacing between sections is necessary and unnecessary.  For an in-depth run-down of the HTML details mentioned here, refer to [Appendix A].

Spacing between Sentences

All sentences within paragraph sections should be separated by two spaces.  This ensures that each sentence can easily be distinguished from another, preventing reading/viewing difficulties.

Note: When collating a document with HTML, extra spacing included by the writer appears to be ignored.  To overcome this, make use of Non-breaking Spaces (described above) as follows:
HTML: Previous Sentence.&nbsp; Current Sentence.

Page Breaks

Page Breaks are necessary if a section of the document requires differentiation from another unrelated section.

It is helpful to note, however, that Page Breaks (in the case of Web documents) do not have the same 'literal' meaning as when applied in Word Processors.

Page Breaks in terms of Web documentation consist essentially of a Horizontal Line, to separate unrelated sections of Team Synergy documentation.



Hyphenation is the process whereby a word is split and hyphenated between two lines in order to maintain even spacing within paragraph text.  It can often be found used in conjunction with Justified text alignment, in printed media (such as Newspapers) that require visible distinctions between columns of text.

Since Team Synergy documentation should be implemented using HTML, Hyphenation is not only unnecessary, it should not even apply when dealing with Web-based content. 

5.3  Table Style

[Table 5.3 - 1] (below) outlines the main attributes that should be observed for all Team Synergy tables.  For those attributes stated in the table, their values are fixed and should not be altered in any manner.

The sole exception applies to the Table Width attribute.  In most cases the Table Width (with respect to the page margin) should remain at the default setting; however it may be varied depending on the width requirements of the contents within a table (as in [Table 5.3 - 1], where its contents do not require much table width).
Each Table should also be accompanied by a numbered Caption stating the purpose of the table.  This Caption should appear below the table.  If necessary, a Table Footnote can also be included, which should appear between the Table and the Table Caption.

For specific HTML Tag details in creating Tables styled to the Team Synergy specification, refer to [Appendix A5.3]

Attribute Setting
Table Alignment Center
Table Width 95% *
Border Colour White ¹
Table Border (Width) 0
Cell Border Width 0
Cell Spacing ² 1
Cell Padding ³ 5
* Default setting
¹ RGB Hexadecimal Index: #FFFFFF
² Spacing between the table's cells
³ Spacing between the contents of cells and the cells themselves
Table 5.3 - 1: Table Attributes

As a starting point, to correctly duplicate the specific appearance of Team Synergy Tables, it would be highly advisable to utilise the Table example found in the Document Content Template [See Section 4.1].  However, this section shall provide a basic description of the specific settings required.

The following table [Table 5.3 - 2] outlines the characteristics of the data displayed within and around tables.

Table Style Font Size Font Style Alignment Background Colour ¹ Example
Red Green Blue
Table Heading 2 Bold Center 99 99 99
Table Contents 2 [Regular] Left CC CC CC Contents
Table Footnote ² 1 [Regular] Left CC CC CC
* Footnote
Table Caption 1 [Regular] Center CC CC CC
Table X.X - 1: Caption
¹ RGB Hexadecimal Code Index (ie.  #RRGGBB )
² Optional
Table 5.3 - 2: Table Content Style

The default text colour for all text in tables is black.

5.4  Indentation

The main application for Indentation is to distinguish the status of a sub-section of text from its main section.  Indentation or sub-sections is not advised as it effectively reduces the amount of workable content-space in Team Synergy documentation.

If 'distinguishment' is required, one can utilise the various methods of displaying text as described in [Section 5.2.2].

Essentially all document content, including sub-sections, should correspond to the default unindented, left-aligned page setting. The exception lies with Table of Contents, Bullet and Numbered-Bullet lists, which require indentation in order to differentiate those lists with sub-lists.

5.5  Images

Images may be used as required in the document.  Acceptable Image formats are described in [Section 3].

All images should be accompanied by a Caption consisting of the Image's Number [See Section 5.1], and a description of the image.  The Text Style for a Caption is exactly the same as for Table Captions, however the labeling for Images should appear as follows, whereas Table Captions require a label titled "Table X..."

This is a simulated image ONLY
Figure 5.5 - 1: Constraints for the simulated image

Note that the precise dimensions of the image should be specified with its Tag in the document's HTML Source.

Where images require 'distinguishment' from their surrounding document content, a basic black border of width 1 (HTML-specific) should be included with the HTML Image Tag, to signify the bounds of that image.

5.6  Date Notation

Dates should be given in the backward notation "yyyy.MM.dd" or "yyyy/MM/dd".

eg. 2000.01.01

Note: To better understand what is expected for the date notation specified by Team Synergy, it is helpful to know that computer dating conventions suggest that "MM" indicates the month be stated explicitly in two-digit format (03 being March) as opposed to "mm", which indicates the month be displayed with two digits only where applicable.  When "dd" is specified, the day should be stated explicitly in two-digit format, as opposed to "d" which indicates the displaying of two digits, also only where applicable.

Thus the month and day should be explicitly provided in two-digit format-- preceding zero included.

Using the backward convention ensures that regions that follow other conventions (ie.  07/24/2004) have a clear understanding of the declared date. Use of the backward notation also ensures lists sorted numerically remain in a logical date-based order.

If required, the date can also be stated in the standard International form consisting of "dddd d mmmm yyyy", where the worded-day ("dddd") is optional, but spaces must separate each aspect of the worded date notation.  Separating the worded-day and the numbered-day, or separating the month and year with Commas is optional but not preferred.

eg. {Monday} 24 July 2004


6.   Headers and Footers

It is implausible for Web-based documentation to contain Headers and Footers, plainly due to the fact that Team Synergy Web based documentation do not consist of distinct pages. Consequently it is unnecessary for this section to be covered in any depth within this Web Document Style Standards.

In any case, if Headers and Footers are required they rightfully belong to the Publishing Group's Web Style Standards Domain.


7.   Bullet Points

Bullets can be used to define a complex statement in point format, or identify the composition of components within a statement.

Although not recommended, should the need arise for multiple-level bullets, the types of each successive level of bullet lists should be as follows:

  • Level 1 Bullet
    • Level 2 Bullet
      • Level 3 Bullet

All bullet statements should begin with a capitalised letter, Bullets should not include any method of grammatical linking between them.  However the ending of a statement with a period is acceptable.

  • the first letter of this point's letter is not capitalised
  • The end of this point is incorrect, then
  • The end of this point is also incorrect, or
  • The end of this point is wrong, and
  • The end of this point is also wrong;
  • The end of this point is correct.

Note: Numbered Bullet lists may also be used if required.  All other requirements applying to Bullet Points also apply to Numbered Bullet lists.


8.   Document Layout

This section details all the various parts that are essential to every document (apart from the actual document content):

8.1  Title Area Section

All documents using this standard shall have a cover page/sheet with the following information:

  • Document Title .
  • Document Version Number.
  • Document Edition Number.
  • Document ID: the Identifier of the document is the abbreviation of the Document Title.
  • Author(s) of the Document
  • Reviewer(s) of the Document
  • Date Last Modified, to be specified in worded-date notation [See Section 5.6]

8.2  Modification History

This is a compulsory section.  This section may be left empty only if the document has no known modification history.  All modification from the first released version shall be tracked and documented in this section.  Modification may only be made after it has been formally reviewed and approved.

This section shall include the following information in a table format:

  • Date of modification: This shall be in the appropriate date format specified in this document [See Section 5.6]. 
  • Description of the modification(s)
  • Reason(s) for the change. 
  • The version number of the newly modified document.  On determining a valid version number, refer to [Section 2]. 
All information contained within the table shall follow those formatting settings specified in [Section 5.3].

8.3  Table of Contents

Each document covering multiple topics should have a Table of Contents.  This information should be included at the start of the document, following the Title Area.  The format and style of the Table of Contents (TOC) should follow the example provided at the beginning of this documentation.

There should also be a Hyperlink allowing the reader to immediately access the related content corresponding to the TOC listing.  The following table is a sample of Formatting Style for TOC text.

Note: The examples provided in the table show exactly how they would appear, including the hyperlinking ability; however the links for those examples serve no real purpose whatsoever-- they are just part of the example.

Text Style Font Size Font Style Alignment Example
TOC Level 1 Arial 3 Bold Left X.  TOC 1
TOC Level 2 Arial 3 Regular Left
TOC Level 3 Arial 2 Regular Left
Table 8 - 1: Table of Content Styles and expected format

Level 4 Headings should be excluded from TOC listings purely because they would waste precious listing space.  In terms of document content, Level 4 Headings are also likely to be too minor to be listed.  If a Level 4 Heading should contain important content worth mentioning within the TOC, it should be 'promoted' to a Level 3 Heading.  However, writer discretion is advised when doing so.

8.4  Appendices

Appendices can be used when it is not appropriate to include information within the main section of the document.  A reference to the Appendix shall be stated explicitly in the main content.

All entries in the Appendix shall be explicitly included in the Table of Contents [See Section 9]. 

8.5  Quoting

There may be a need for direct quoting from reference sources.  When this is to be done it should be started with opening double quotes "and closed with the same".  Each quote shall be referenced [See Section 14] with appropriate sources.  The reference number shall follow the quote in superscript format. 

eg. Mr E. states that he "had me some sex"2

8.6  Footnotes

Footnotes shall be used for clarifying information that is not directly relevant to the current paragraph but still important.  Each footnote shall follow at the end of each document's main content (ie.  before the Appendix).  A Page Break [See Section 5.2.3] is necessary in distinguishing the Footnote section from the rest of the document.  Footnotes are optional but should be avoided where possible.

HTML: This is some text<sup>1</sup>
would produce:
This is some text1

All Footnotes throughout a document should follow the same number counter starting from '1'.  The Footnote Reference should also be accompanied by a Hyperlink to the actual Footnote situated at the end of the document.

Footnotes can also be applied to Tables, but the actual Footnote should be situated directly after the Table, before the Table Caption.

Note: Where only a single Footnote is required, an Asterisk ("*") can be used in place of a numbered Footnote.

8.7  References

Each time a quote is listed, the reference source will be shown.  Each first reference to a text will contain:

  • Author / Editor: Given Name and Surname
  • Reference Title, specified in Italics
  • Publisher Name
  • Year of Publication
  • Page Number
A second reference need only contain the Author's/Editor's Surname followed by the page number.

8.8  Index

Any document that is more than 30 pages in length shall provide a detailed index at the end of the document.  The content and level of detail presented in the index is left to the discretion of the author(s) of the document.

Hyperlinking rules apply to Indexes for all Web-based documentation, whereby the reader may access the indexed word based only on the section the indexed word is contained in. Providing greater depth in indexing would require excessive effort on the document writer's part.