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Work Log & Weekly Plan Procedures

Version 1.1

Edition 1

Document ID: WLP
Author: Ronnie Lay
Reviewed by: Jaycee Phua
Ronnie Lay
Date: 10 September 1999


Revision History





1999.03.20 Completed Initial Document Version to be sent to QA team 1.0
1999.05.26 Document Contents Formatted Conformance to Latest Style Standards 1.1
1999.09.10 Contents modified to reflect the latest procedures Work log & weekly plan procedures changed 1.2

Table Of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Tasks

3. Syndicate

          3.1 Resource Maintenance

          3.2 Task Management

          3.3 Report Generation

          3.4 Gantt Chart Display

          3.5 Hour Logging Facility

4. Milestone Tracker

5. Agenda Tracker

1. Introduction

All worklogs and weekly plans must contain the information that is expected of Team Synergy Management. Syndicate, Milestone Tracker, and Agenda Tracker will handle as much of the work as possible in order to reduce administrative overhead for the management team, and in particular, the Team Leader.


2. Tasks

Team Synergy has defined multiple levels of tasks. Level 1 tasks are allocated to sub-group team leaders. Whereas others are assigned to sub-group team members. Only the Team Leader may allocate Level 1 tasks, from which sub-group managers may allocate Level 2 tasks and so on. For example, the Team Leader might allocate the following Level 1 task to the Publishing Group manager:

Task 5: Re-design the web site.

After the manager of the Publishing Group sub-group received this, he/she may decide that the task is small enough not to be broken down, in which case he/she would just allocate as many of the Publishing Group team members as he/she felt was necessary to complete the task. However, the Publishing Group manager may decide to break the task up into sub-tasks as follows:

Task 5.1: Design the actual new web site.
Task 5.1.1: Design the new Fun page.
Task 5.2: Extract the Contents from the existing web site.
Task 5.2.1: Extract Document contents.

Obviously the sub-tasks would have to fit into the same timeframe as the Level 1 task they were derived from.

Some tasks are ongoing (such as web site maintenance), whilst others will have a specific completion date (like a deliverable document).

It is anticipated that Team Synergy will use Syndicate, Milestone Tracker, and Agenda Tracker to automate as much of the administration as is practical. The details of systems are listed below.

3. Syndicate

Syndicate consists of five main functionalities. They are:

3.1 Resource Maintenance

The Resource Maintenance feature allows Synergy team members to Add, Remove, and Edit resources. The type of resources can be either Synergy or Guests. Synergy resources are its team members, whereas Guests resources are people like Rajesh Vasa and Andrew Cain. The following are the resource details stored:

           User Name - user name of the user currently logged in
           Full Name - the actual name of the user currently logged in
           Email - email address
           Phone H - home telephone number
           Phone B - business telephone number
           Phone M - mobile phone number
           Password - password set by the user
           Privilege - privilege assigned by Team Leader
           Parent Resource - the parent resource this user belongs

3.2 Tasks management

This enables Synergy Team Leader and sub-group Leaders to create, remove, edit and view tasks. It allows the specification of:

           Task Dependency - the task that this task is dependent on
           Task From - the member creating the task
           Task To - to member to be assigned this task
           Task Status. - the status of this task

It also displays the Total Hours Left as well as the Total Hours Done.

3.3 Report Generation.

This part produces graphs outlining the hours of each individual team members. It allows Synergy Team Leader to obtain reports on the fly for management and weekly presentation purposes. The graphs generated are based on the hours logged by Synergy team members. The graphs shows comparisons between the member logged in against others in the team. The following Chart Types are available for Plotting:

           Average Hours
           Total Hours
           Standard Deviation

Synergy team member may choose to view the graph Group By:

           Individuals - one specific member
           Group Individuals
           Group - project sub-group
           Task - specific task
           Tasks - all tasks

3.4 Gantt Chart Display.

In order to make sure that our product will be delivered on time, team Synergy has developed a Gantt Chart which outlines the Cohesion project plan status. This Gantt Chart feature offers the following Selection Criteria:

           For Resource - the person the gantt chart should be applied to
           Tasks - the task the gantt chart should be applied to
           Dependent On - dependency of the task specified above
           Show Sub-Tasks - displays sub-tasks
           Zoom - zooming into the gantt chart
           Days per Line - the number of days per line on the gantt chart
           Status - status could be 'un-required', 'In-progress', 'Completed'

3.5 Hour Logging Facility.

This is the most frequently used feature of Syndicate. Here Synergy team members can log the number of hours they have worked on the project. They may Create, Delete, and Add Log Entries. In order to Add a Log Entry, the following pieces of information are required:

           Task - the task the hours is to be logged against
           Hours Spent - the number of hours worked
           % Complete - the completeness of the task
           Hour Remaining - the number of hours needed to complete the task
           Comment - any comment regarding the Log Entry

4. Milestone Tracker

Team Synergy Milestone Tracker outlines all milestones related to the project, categorised into sub-groups:

           Application Engineers
           Quality Assurance
           Team Leader

It also compiles a list of completed milestones.

The system allows Team Synergy members to Add, Read, and Delete milestones. It also offers the flexibility for its users to Change the status of milestones. The following information is stored about each milestone:

          Title - the title of the milestone
          Description - additional text explaining the title
          Begin Date - the date Synergy team member should start working on it
          Due Date - the date the milestone is to be completed
          Project Group - the sub-group
          Days Held - the number of days a milestone will take to complete
          Allocated By - the person creating the milestone

5. Agenda Tracker

The Agenda Tracker was developed for Synergy team members to View and Manage Agenda. It allows team members to view and manage minutes by group. The available groups for selection are:

           Quality Assurance - for all Quality Engineers
           Application Engineers - for all Application Engineers
           Publishing Group - for all Publishing Group members
           Management - for all leaders
           Entire Team - all team Synergy members